Jane Rothschild, Teen Librarian
Write a brief book review (up to one paragraph) when you've finished reading (or listening to) a book. Rate the book from one to five stars. Earn one raffle ticket for a chance toward a prize for every complete review submitted. We may use your review with your first name and an avatar to create a "mini-book review" social media post! Embedded Image Removed>Sample attached right:
Here are a few prompts to help you get started:
-Did you find any character(s) in the book relatable?
-Did you find any situation(s) in the book relatable?
-Was the title of the book a good one? Why or why not?
-Did the book cover interest you and persuade you to read the book?
-Do you have anything to say about the author? Is he or she a favorite, or new to you?
-Would you like to read more by this author?
-Was the story believable?
-Did you have a favorite part or line from the book?
-Was there any part of the story you would change?
- What type of person might like this book?
-Try using some of the following descriptive words:
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